Maulwurf around the globe
- Dzemo making Maultaschen, Stuttgart, Germany
- Piemont, Italy
- Piemont, Italy
- Hedgehog, Stuttgart
- Florence airport, Italy
- Florence airport, Italy
- Austrian Alps near Salzburg
- Boise, Idaho
- Boise, Idaho
- Houses of Parliament, London
- Maledives
- College Football, Boise State
- Tunesia
- Tunesia
- Main Train Station, Cologne
- Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
- HSV Football Stadium, Hamburg
- Cable Car Museum, San Francisco
- Las Vegas, Nevada
- Beirut, Lebanon
- Flagstaff, Arizona
- Nevada State Line
- Grand Canyon
- California State Line
- Idaho State Line
- Burro Crossing, Arizona
- Maientag, Vaihingen-on-Enz
- Rock am Ring Open Air Concert, Germany
- Dublin Mailbox, Ireland
- Jameson, Ireland
- Excavator, in front of Maulwurf on Möhringer Landstraße
- Grand Canyon North Rim, USA
- USS Sampson, United States Navy
- Iceland
- The Little Mermaid, Copenhagen
- Ahoi Arena, Amsterdam
- Elbchaussee, Hamburg
- Pinball Land
- Cruise Ship Aida, Palermo
- Colosseum, Rom
- Municipal Theater, Salzburg