Maulwurfs Bockbeer weeks

Maulwurfs Bockbeer weeks
Lent is here, and to make up for all the potent food you aren't allowed to eat during that time, we stock up on potent beer! This year, due to the pandemic situation, we could not go on our bockbeer safari with dachshund Gustav, but we still managed to amass a decent selection of bock beers for all of you to enjoy!
Maulwurf Vintage TAP6

Now, that’s special!
We have unearthed a real treasure from our vaulted brick cellar:
Maulwurf Aventinus Vintage 2020. For five years, this Aventinus (a.k.a. Schneider TAP6), the oldest wheat Doppelbock in the world, has matured in the depth of our brick cellar in the center of Vaihingen. As far back as 1999, Georg V. Schneider, who owned the Schneider brewery in the fifth generation, noticed the great potential this wheat bock had. He found that by maturing it in an environment with year-round cool, controlled temperatures, its aromatic profile was deepened, enhancing its sweet and malty notes and its fruity nuances.
Our Wheat Beer of the Month

A wheat beer must be bottle-conditioned the old-fashioned way in order to become a wheat beer of the month at Maulwurf. Our current w.b.o.t.m. is Laupheimer Weizenbock.

Our Beer of the Month

Our beer of the month: Korbinian Dunkler Doppelbock
Lent is upon us, and there is know better way to abide by it than having the most typical of lent beers, dark Doppelbock. This is the reason why Weihenstaphanee Korbinian, the dark bock from the world's oldest brewery, is now our beer of the mionth on tap.
Swabian Cider on Tap

Swabian Cider on tap at Maulwurf!
Not for the faint at heart, it's reeaally tart!

Have your own private Whisky Tasting at Maulwurf?
Sure thing! For 10 or more people, we do individual whisky tastings at Maulwurf. You tell us where your interests lie, or we make suggestions, pick a date and off we go on a journey through the history and the making of the water of life, and along the way we taste 6 different whiskies!
If this sounds good to you, round up 9 or more like-minded creatures and send us an Email!
Maulwurf Tatort Lounge

Every Sunday Maulwurf Tatort Lounge
Every Sunday night at 8.15 pm, German Public Television shows their Murder Mystery. For those who'd rather have company and a fresh draft beer with their Tatort, Maulwurf is just the place... And for those who don't want to watch, there is still plenty of room without Tatort.